Clinch Academy Annual Awards

  • In order to qualify for a a few specific awards, you must keep track of your progress and in some cases apply for the award.

KEEP TRACK: To win competitor of the year, you must document each competition you have competed in for the year to include in-house competitions and external competitions. Same applies to fighter of the year.

APPLY: For transformation of the year, you must apply ASAP in order to have your physical evaluation. We will compare these results to results closer to the end of the year in NOVEMBER to measure your progress. The applicant with the most progress will win. You can apply here.

For KNOCKOUT or SUBMISSION of the year, In order to enter the Sub of the Year or Knockout of the year contest, you must post your video in our discord group under the appropiate channel. We have a channel for the Adult Sub of the Year and a Channel for the Youth Sub of the year as well as a Channel for the Knockout of the year. These are in competition only.

SOME AWARDS you can earn anytime! You will see fitness awards you can earn anytime for conquering certain fitness tasks. New tasks may pop up throughout the year!

ALL OTHER AWARDS will be decided by Clinch Academy Staff and awarded at the end of the year.


General Awards (One winner for Adults & one for Youth)

  • Competitor of the Year (Most Competition Matches)

  • Most Improved Student of the year (Student who coaches believe improved the most by vote)

  • Warrior of the year (Student who most exemplifies the warrior code on and off the mat, excels in training, and has tested themselves in competition.)

BJJ-Specific Awards 

  • Technique Master of the year (Student who demonstrates clean & efficient technique in training. One winner for youth and Adults)

  • Roll Session Warrior (Student who is most likely to be present during various roll sessions. Adult winner only)

  • Team Supporter of the Year Award (Person who is most likely to be at a BJJ competition supporting the team.)

  • S.T.O.R.M. Team Leader (Youth Student who best demonstrates the qualities of the STORM Leader. Youth winner only.)

MMA-Specific Awards (Adult Only)

  • Knockout of the year (Fighter with the most exciting knockout in an MMA fight)

  • Submission of the year (Fight with the most exciting submission in an MMA fight)

  • Fighter of the year (MMA Fighter with the most fights)

  • Ringside Supporter (Student who is most likely to be found at any MMA fight one of our students are competing in)

Fitness-Specific Awards (Adults Only)

  • Best Overall Body Transformation (Must Apply)

Fitness Awards to Earn Any Time! (Adults & Youth)

Videos for all the Fitness Awards will be posted soon!

  • Memorize the “Base Flow” routine Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 (3 separate Awards)

  • Memorize the “JitsFlow” routine

  • Completed Timed/Counted Fitness Exercises 

    • 3 min Plank 

    • 2 minute hang 

    • 10 second hand stand (Must be still)

    • 30ft handstand walk

    • 30ft Stability ball crawl

    • 3 minute wall sit

    • 1 Dragon Tail Squat

    • Etc... New challenges throughout the year

Other Awards

  • Encourager of the Year Award (Student who consistently is encouraging others in their journey. One Adult winner and One Youth)